
Reflections from H&V Leadership Conference D.C. 2019- GA H&V Executive Director & ASTra Program Director Deshonda Washington

Reflections from H&V Leadership Conference D.C. 2019- GA H&V Executive Director & ASTra Program Director
Deshonda Washington 

There were 9 of us from Georgia Hands & Voices that went to the Annual Hands & Voices Leadership Conference this past September in Washington D.C. at Gallaudet University. Gallaudet is the world's only Deaf/Hard of Hearing University! Each of us collected our thoughts from the conference so please check out the 8 blog posts before this one. 

This is post number 9 and it was saved on purpose as the closing post.  Every year at the Hands & Voices Leadership Conference we end with "The Naming Circle." Every conference attendee gathers in a circle. The microphone is passed to each person. We speak and/or sign the names of our Deaf/Hard of Hearing children.  It's a speaking into existence a promise to never forget them & to always advocate for them. It's raw reality. It's self-reflection. It's self-motivation.  After you say your child's name, you grab the hand of the person next to you to form a chain.....it symbolizes that our bond can never be broken. We hold hands so you also feel that you have someone on this journey with you. 
Pictures from 2019 Naming Circle

"Speaking her name during the Naming Circle is always a reminder of WHY I do this work........LAUREN." - Deshonda Washington
Lorenzo, Lauren, & Deshonda Washington 

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