We have diverse group of 6 highly-trained Parent Guides who are all parents of unique children who are Deaf or Hard Hearing. We hope you get to know us better through this blog, as we share our personal and professional perspectives, as well as current knowledge on the burning (and oftentimes confusing) topics that surround (and bombard) us as we raise a child/ren with hearing loss.
Guide By Your Side™ is a Hands & Voices program that embodies our strong values of direct peer connections and networking. It promotes self-efficacy and hinders isolation by exploring our common bond, shared experiences, challenges, wisdom and insight.
So, welcome to this blog, we hope you enjoy the interaction, the support, the resources, the personal perspectives and stories. Remember, your family's story, experiences and journey are uniquely that- your own. Provided comprehensive, timely and appropriate information in an unbiased, non-judgmental and supportive manner, by those who have walked this path, I do believe that you will find your own path as you raise your unique child to reach his or her full potential because...
"What works for your child is what makes the choice right."
GA Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side Program Provides:
- A Parent Guide to listen and share resources, one-on-one
- Unbiased support - listening without judging
- Compassion and knowledge from parents who also have a child with hearing loss
- Workshops, trainings, and events for parents and children
- Networking opportunities with other families
- Referrals to other programs that serve deaf or hard of hearing children
Georgia Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side Parent Guides:
- Are specially trained parents of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Work directly with families in need of the unique support that comes from someone else who has walked the path him/herself
- Can provide emotional support at the time of confirmation of a hearing loss, as well as provide a continuity of support to families throughout the child’s life, especially at times of transition
- Offer resources, information, encouragement, and an opportunity to network with other families
Who is eligible for the GA Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side Program:
- Georgia families and families receiving services here
- Families who have a child with hearing loss, birth through high school
- This is a free service to families
For more information, please visit our website, http://www.gahandsandvoices.org/Guide_By_Your_Side.html or contact Scarlett Giles GA H&V Guide By Your Side Program Director at sgiles@doe.k12.ga.us.
*This program is made possible through the support of the Georgia Department of Education & DPH.