Welcome to our first GBYS Read Along!
Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter
I chose Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter because of its rich language and its ability to be used with kids of all ages. This week we will read and watch/listen to the story being read in ASL. I have included a list of words that are linked to an ASL dictionary for us to learn together and words that can be investigated if your children are older.
Please take the time to read the following: 15 Principles for Reading to Deaf Children. These are strategies that will help you, the parent, as you journey with your child into language and literacy.
Week One: Read the story and watch/listen to story in ASL
ASL Storytelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCOMxxdhLnk
Learn ASL Signs:
finger spell: Peter
Are your kids too young?
Read to them regardless. Remember the importance of getting language in and then keep things simple. Train yourself to be intentional in the early days and start to slowly build a library for your children at home!
Are your kids older?
Discuss the following words: mischief, naughty, thief, frightened, sob, implored, exert, tremble
Look up their meanings and discuss synonyms that could be used in their place.
Download Book Here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14838
**the EPUB (with images) was downloaded to iBooks
**Kindle (with images) was downloaded to Kindle
Enjoy this time with your kids and remember these everyday small investments add up!