
GBYS Read Along

Welcome to our first GBYS Read Along!

Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter

I chose Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter because of its rich language and its ability to be used with kids of all ages.  This week we will read and watch/listen to the story being read in ASL.  I have included a list of words that are linked to an ASL dictionary for us to learn together and words that can be investigated if your children are older.  

Please take the time to read the following: 15 Principles for Reading to Deaf Children.  These are strategies that will help you, the parent, as you journey with your child into language and literacy.

Week One:  Read the story and watch/listen to story in ASL

ASL Storytelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCOMxxdhLnk

Learn ASL Signs:

finger spell: Peter

Are your kids too young?

Read to them regardless.  Remember the importance of getting language in and then keep things simple. Train yourself to be intentional in the early days and start to slowly build a library for your children at home!

Are your kids older?

Discuss the following words:  mischief, naughty, thief, frightened, sob, implored, exert, tremble

Look up their meanings and discuss synonyms that could be used in their place.

Download Book Here:  http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14838
**the EPUB (with images) was downloaded to iBooks
**Kindle (with images) was downloaded to Kindle 

Enjoy this time with your kids and remember these everyday small investments add up!


Georgia H & V Guide By Your Side Program Spring Events 2016

Spring will be here soon! Let’s get out and meet each other! Below are some spring events I put together. Please RSVP so I will know to contact you in case we have to cancel or give out last minute information.
Scarlett Giles sgiles@doe.k12.ga.us or text 470-991-9187 (At events will have a GA H &V-GBYS sign to locate me.)

Event 1:
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 - 3:30pm-5pm
North Point Mall Alpharetta
1000 North Point Circle, Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
Food Court/Carousel Area
I will bring my kids for a fun play date. Meet in the food court. Grab an afternoon snack & let the kids ride the Carousel. Carousel-Children under 2 free. Ages 2-12- Purchase tokens ($2 each - cash only) from token machine located beside the Carousel. American Girl & Disney Store are also good window shopping experiences.
RSVP by Tuesday, March 1st

Event 2:
Tuesday, March 29th, 2016- 10am
Rev Coffee
1680 Spring Road SE, Smyrna, Ga. 30080
My kids are in school that morning. Children are welcome or you can come by yourself.
RSVP by Monday, March 28th.

Event 3:
Wednesday, April 13th,  2016-3:30pm-5:30pm
JJ Biello Park (next to CRPA Twin Creeks Softball Complex)
250 Brooke Blvd., Woodstock, Ga. 30188
I will bring my kids for a park playdate.
RVSP by Tuesday, April 12th

Event 4:
Monday, April 25th, 2016- 9am
Martin’s Restaurant
2005 Cobb Parkway NW, Kennesaw, Ga. 30152
Let’s meet for breakfast. My kids are in school that morning. Children are welcome or you can come by yourself.
RSVP by Friday, April 22nd

Looking ahead: Last year was our 1st annual Meet in May Park Day. Details will come soon about locations and date/time in May.

Looking forward to seeing your family. –Scarlett Giles (Parent Guide)